IRSAA with its distinguished capabilities allows its clients to use customized approach with improved collection efficiency under international standards.
For over 11 years, IRSAA has provided its clients with premium collection services that are a product of the expertise and superior experience of our professionals. Owing to our extensive exposure with regular and non-regular payment clients, experts at IRSAA build collection policies tailored according to the business requirements of companies of all sizes.
IRSAA’s diverse range of collection services provide trusted support to its clients by:
- Building collection policies that agree with the client.
- Devising effective strategies for efficient execution of collection policies.
- Monitoring non-performing debts for activity.
- Generating a database for age of loans and performing ageing reports.
- Developing operational policies for early payment (settlements) and discounts.
- Evaluating collection amounts from previous periods in contrast with current periods to assist clients in making a sound decision.
- Setting realistic collection targets and facilitating their achievement.
We at IRSAA provide the highest level of expertise, accuracy and integrity maintaining international standards in collection services across Saudi Arabia.
The extended services that distinguish IRSAA from the rest include:
- Consultation services.
- Establishment and operation of collection of management.
- Outsourcing to manage the collection department.
Our seasoned professionals personally oversee the process and offer strategic consultation to each client while managing the case. A thorough field study and background investigation is done to understand the clients as well as their specifications and then prepare proposal policies and relevant strategies. A collection department for regular and non-regular payment customers is headed in collaboration with the establishment to meet clients’ requirements. IRSAA further provides complete support (outsourcing) to collection management by preparing a budget for the department and discussing goals with companies.
IRSAA aims to protect your business interests, increase revenue and assist in risk management, and improve collection performance as per your specifications.